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tv   [untitled]    February 5, 2013 1:00am-1:30am EST

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algeria steps up security along molly's border to cut off and searches its capered as more reports of civilian casualties from the french military intervention and much. israel considers building a buffer zone stretching from behind to see where intel would treat but denies accusations that sending in troops and turnings constitutes an invasion. and despairing diplomats that paying out for plum postings within the obama administration accusing according to the u.s. report examining the president's stop.
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this is also you coming to live from moscow hello and welcome to the program. french jets still pounding rebel bases in remote areas of northern mali trying to cutoff supply routes for is the most militants algeria has also increased security along its border with mali to prevent insurgents from crossing it some reports suggest the french led campaign has caused a number of civilian casualties. the effect of the intervention is having on the people of mali in this exclusive report. francoise hollande victorious trip to timbuktu marked the declaration that three major cities in northern mali have been declared liberated from rebels although the sharia law and islamic extremism the rebels enforced will not soon be forgotten nevertheless this victory is a partial one the militants have merely retreated and fled and the suffering in this war has seemed disproportionate to the gains made we're learning what happened
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in battle day by day in the town of kona we heard stories from the fog of war this is mall settlement in the mopti region was seized by the more yo tribe they fled to the north when french troops showed up but it's reported that the cost of that victory was high while french planes killed only two rebels the number of civilian casualties was an estimated fourteen he said i wasn't home when the bombing began i started praying when i learned my house was under attack they ruined everything i had my family and my livelihood my wife's name was i mean not her she was forty my son ali was eleven adam was ten and so you know who was six they all died. but. people such as this farmer idris ask themselves if the victory was worth it. we also met the campo family who had suffered badly when the bombing began everyone scattered the campo lost two of their songs unable to swim they drowned in the
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river while fleeing the fighting. we also heard the story of a young mother who died from shell splinters leaving three children behind a newborn baby. the village was a complete mess it's impossible to describe i'll only discuss things i know for sure and i can say that all we had is gone. though few poor some kids came running up to us and said their mum had died i brought them to our house their mother died after an hour of clinging to life the children have nobody else but us screaming this is a disaster visited every house in the town people reject anything the military claims about victory and say war crimes must be prosecuted under the geneva convention towns like qana want more than just compassion people who suffered at the hands of terrorist groups and drug traffickers are now facing the misery inflicted by warfare which is about your body without gonzalo wants. for r.t.
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and us vice president joe biden has meanwhile hailed what he called the decisiveness decisiveness of french president francois hollande and america's been providing logistical support for the military campaign that and local and the institute for democracy and cooperation says or either nation cares about is increasing that influence in africa. i think the two main factors in this are france's own desire to strengthen the her role on the international stage in particular piece of you know european partners and also the american strict egypt plans for africa it's important to know that america which strongly supports france in this mali and intervention has plans for establishing a military presence in the military control over the whole of the african continent some people speculated to have used the phrase that this was america leading from
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behind that america decided to put forward its european allies to do as it were it's dirty work in a continent where china has been establishing an economic presence now very successfully for a large number of years so there is a tremble for africa isn't there is it just to grab the resources yes it's obvious that the securing of energy resources is one of the key factors behind many if not most political developments today and that's why i say that the of course the issue of hydrocarbons and uranium and other energy sources is a key and may even be the decisive factor. people in or reach goals states enjoy higher standards of living because that sitting on a treasure chest of natural resources but countries such as bahrain and kuwait haven't been immune to popular unrest resulting to violent crackdowns against protesters who want more of a say in this account for the psalmist now their struggles plaguing the people of
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the prosperous kingdoms. you. see. life in the gulf used to look like this. but the black gold hidden beneath the sands transformed the arabian states from inhospitable deserts came storing structures of glass and steel physical testaments to their wealth and power in a wider region known for its tinderbox tensions the gulf monarchies have stood out for their relative stability and for an oil dependent west eager for a military stronghold to counter iran the gulf became a strategic away says petro dollars have helped to insulate the gulf against economic hardships plaguing other states but not against popular uprisings now the gulf monarchies as a whole have been struggling to stave off the effects of the arab spring with varying degrees of success kuwait is largely seen as the most tolerant of the gulf countries but the worry is that the trend could be reversed activists say that it
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already has been political gatherings of more than twenty people are banned as are political parties and when the last opposition dominated parliament challenge the ruling authorities it was dismissed voting rules were changed to ensure critics say a more compliant parliament speaking out against the system has landed many activists in jail as for those who took to the streets to protest we were beaten up by. the special forces. and the sound bombs and but on and after the model whoever is on the street isn't just being detained and thrown into jail it's a struggle activists in bahrain are all too familiar with. three days after egypt's former president was ousted from power protests began in both frames like the kuwaitis they weren't demanding an end to the monarchy but more representation and a violent crackdown saw a shift in some of those demands but there's still you got to stop it is at the end
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differently it is against the regime against that because of the shit i didn't stand that the situation out on the one thousand five hundred dozen others we have . every day we have the local. security forces are running dead is attacking the people like that in the houses as in other gulf states the monarchy blames the unrest on a radical minority they are hardliners they want to see regime change they want to implement their own style of government and impose on the rest of the people to the nation by creating a system of government that is unacceptable these demands called for a. minister style democracy captain head of style democracy in go but critics disagree saying the protesters simply want their governments to listen i want to comes to violent crackdowns he says westminster and capitol hill
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simply turn a blind eye without a victims because we live in a country which have already so the u.s. and the united states and the u.k. they don't get aboard the people they don't care about the humanity they don't care about the bahraini blood they care about the though you and i about whether in bahrain saudi arabia qatar oman or kuwait seems like this one are becoming increasingly more common but nasa shows a power which like this one show that the gulf well wolf alone isn't enough to insulate the countries from people taking to the streets and demanding a greater say in their political system and unless the monarchies show themselves willing to listen their stability may prove to be a mirage. you see caffein of our t. kuwait. israel is going to sit during the creation of a buffer zone inside syria because treasure several kilometers into syria or the israeli military sources and says they're not invading a sovereign state the israeli plan to put
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a number of troops and tanks on foreign soil the stated aim ways to out of the zone is to prevent a mortar and rocket attacks from inside the war torn state and stop radical groups coming close to its territory if assad's government falls and security france is also being erected along the frontier with syria on the golan heights but many see this as the annexation of syrian territory and what came of things very little to do with security. imposing a buffer zone will make israel and the future should. negotiate over withdrawing from this buffer zone rather than withdrawing from the golan heights but this is very similar to the attempt of israel in one thousand seven hundred two ok body and impose a buffer zone in south lebanon where it was the same claim that it wanted to defend its modem border derrida objective is to annex more territories and at the same
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time and at them to threaten the mosque so. israel extends its domain by another seven kilometers this will make it reach close very close to the masters this is very dangerous for the stability of the region and with it will give the insurgents like free zone and free base a secure base to launch attacks against the syrian regime so this is a direct and during the month of israel and setting up a. panic over immigration the u.k. looks to put all the games and remain ians considers a negative propaganda campaign against itself to prevent the kind that's plenty here restrictions are removed next year report from that came out. on the show for some of the east china sea south korea play war games sending warning signals to the novice north i know this isn't about that's why.
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it's technology innovation all the lives developments around russia we've got the future covered. more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. showing up for a shelter on the day. then
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again you will see as john kerry begins his time as the new u.s. secretary of state has been revealed that many of them busted his setting and again were made to done as to the president's campaign and you were a pool says this year's competition among the big money bank is to land the most sought after diplomatic sports was especially tight she's going to check and has the details as you can imagine the competition for diplomatic post is tough especially in safe and wealthy countries somewhere in western europe and asia a recent study by two professors of international relations at pennsylvania state university looked at available information on president obama's donors direct
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political contributions and the positions that they received and they concluded that those whose political connections to president obama were measured in dollars rather than in ministration service had an increased chance of representing the united states in western europe and a smaller chance of serving in say central asia or sub-saharan africa donors and advisers involved in the diplomatic selection process say the competition this year has been so tight that those who have raised less than a million dollars are for the most part unlikely to be considered so what is the quote unquote price tag for the highly sought diplomatic posts according to this study friends and monaco topped the list with a level of personal contributions at six point two million dollars quote unquote the price for a position in the u.k. the authors find appears to live between six hundred fifty thousand dollars and two point three million dollars a posting in luxembourg is valued as three point one million dollars and
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appointment to portugal was predicted to have a value of around six hundred thousand dollars like all modern presidents before him president obama has appointed friends and donors to about thirty percent of diplomatic posts while seventy percent of the posts go to career diplomats so judging by this research career diplomats go to places like yemen while big donors go to monaco nobody of course calls it bribery here and these are just respectable donors who get what they want when they pay the price. rules that out to be broken if you are the american president barack obama has claimed the rights to. whichever country he wants even if there's no concrete evidence of a threat so i had to answer a call from the audience. also online at r.t. dot com the city in pakistan where osama bin laden was killed is to get a fine make over to improve its image to go on line to get more details.
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it's cold and wet so you really shouldn't come that's the message the u.k. is sending to fellow e.u. citizens in romania and bulgaria londoners looking for ways to cut back on immigration fearing eastern europeans will flood britain when given unrestricted access to the twenty fourteen but as always point to boycott reports romanian volga area has found a way to get even with the u.k. we show many things going for our country the english language testing times brilliant history very creative people some of the best universities in the world a great place to do business we need to stand up and shout about how great britain is and get people to come and invest and visit but that's not the message that europe's newest member states will be getting come january twenty fourth team twenty nine million romanians and bulgarians will be able to live and work anywhere in europe including britain but the u.k.
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government is reportedly brainstorming ways to dissuade what's feared it could be a flood of eastern european immigrants from coming to britain one idea and negative advertising campaign where the government would say britain isn't all it's cracked up to be the english that everybody in the world wants to come doing because in the new jobs of the most finest greatest country for english people it is but they seem to forget that in the case of remaining friends and remain as. loving. exciting country to live in today when they produce the statistics about thirty million remain. everybody's going to leave and then the last one like. single person left in the end is nonsensical as one minister put it a negative ad campaign would help to correct the impression that these streets are paved with gold but even considering how to put off would be migrants the british
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government has managed to offend not one but two whole countries and now one rumania newspaper has decided that rather than getting mad it's going to get even instead. the prime advertising campaign says that since living in the u.k. is no walk in the park brits should move to remain where instead of stereotypes about british food women and even the royal family come under fire danger by the british people to come to romania are agreeing their humor half of our women look like kate and the other half like her sister so this is a funny campaign but if you can see behind it there's actually a serious message which is that romania have still valuable resources intelligence and humor and britain should take advantage of this next wave of immigrants instead
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of marking their nevertheless last month the u.k. home secretary said that migration puts downward pressure on wages and has a bad influence on social cohesion and some ministers have suggested limiting remain in symbolic ariens access to health services and housing when they arrive as you can imagine not all the romanians living in the u.k. are cleaning the toilets some of them are highly qualified even to understudies there so they find this a very aggressive and under society campaign really whether or not the. britain campaign will ever make it to a billboard near bucharest is now beside the point the british government has already made the newest members feel that little bit less welcome here. r.t. london. and less knowledge of some other stories from around the world at least two children have been injured by hunger in aid in the northern kosovo city of new trouble a boy and
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a girl aged three and nine suffer truck no wounds on the aide was thrown into a window of their home by an unknown are tied to her escape it was a so it's such a top and less than twenty four hours of attributes that remains divided between bins in the north and albanians of the south course the world has suffered from often a violent ethnic tensions ever since declaring independence from serbia into sounds and a. israeli forces arrested twenty three hamas members adorn in the occupied west bank some were reported in norway because so far israel hasn't given a reason for the right amounts branded the move a criminal attempt to provide national reconciliation for palestinians process considered a terrorist organization by israel the us and the new despite winning the last palestinian parliamentary elections six years ago. iranian president ahmadinejad says he is ready to be the first person ascend into space by new raney and rocket last week to iran confirmed it has already sent a monkey into orbit and successfully returned him to earth now the country's
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focused on man space flight however america and its allies are concerned the program could become but for developing ballistic missiles. the u.s. government is expected to see ratings agency standard and poor's accusing it of over violating the subprime mortgage debt which calls the global financial crisis s. and p. and says it's merely underestimated the scale of the markets deterioration is the first time the government has sued a ratings agency the firms that's long been accused of vested interests big. they're paid by the same companies the s.s. . the u.k. is preparing to test a new supersonic stealth drone soon as the next generation of front line bowler named after the cold to god tyrant is the unmanned aircraft can avoid radar and select its own targets but as our first reports now experts and nervous about the beginning of road both. it can fly faster than the speed of sound it can
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deploy its own weapons and it can go deep into enemy territory now this is the nearly british super drain as it's known has been under development and many many years now costing hundreds of millions of pounds already but it's thought that this very bullish and we need is going to be taking is maiden voyage over the next couple of weeks that's what's expected now military chief has said that the theme billed as the future of the air force but experts have warned that this could open the doors to a whole new type of warfare there's concerns about robo wolf where machines that are able to launch their own attacks could attack humans and of course a lot of control the sea that always surrounds the use of drones as well they're still there and with the here and now because the controversy surrounding drone warfare has been highlighted recently when the u.n. launched an investigation in to civilian deaths caused by the jones now assisting
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the u.n. in their research it's a team from goldsmiths university of london and i'm joined by one of thirteen now professor. and i thank you very much for joining us this new technology a lot of talk about a lot of excitement but a huge number of unanswered questions that go along with these developments you're taking part in this investigation now we haven't even really got questions answered eight of the legality of these attacks and yet we're seeing technology sort of leapfrogging over the law at this point i think that what. we are seeing a de facto legislation by practice. of warfare actually creating the law for the problem of the law of war because it always legs behind the technologies are full of course the chronology moved much faster than the laws of war and the technology changed the way which we conduct of wars especially because of really. you type of act that we've been seeing in the last decade that is called
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an extra duty juridical assassination and of course this is really what your investigation singeing on is gathering that all important data is that absolutely in the forensic architecture project at goldsmiths what we look at is the nature of war in an urban area and the most strong acts are launched on inhabited areas areas with a lot of civilians with civilians and militant are in tangled in the numbers are very difficult to establish because both israel and the united states would consider every man over a certain age sometimes sixteen sometimes eighteen is a militant very different and we know we can is not true the details of that investigation the results are expected towards the end of the year and taber thank you for joining us today to talk about britain's steve jones and of course all the unanswered questions that go along with that the u.s. and south korea are flexing their military muscles in the east china sea and they'd
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fears north korea is preparing for another nuclear test so said the drills are part of regular military training while pyongyang claims it's a target human rights law and co-founder of the national campaign to end the korean war every exalting is as washington's making an already inflammatory situation. it's the worst thing you can do under these circumstances is to inflame volatile situation to conduct these military exercises that always inflame that use live ammunition up and down the border with with north korea this is inflammatory on a lot of levels and we need to step back from these naval exercises it's like a race to the bottom if you will when are we going to get more creative in the way that we resolve conflict in this world this conflict gives us such an opportunity with a new secretary of state new leader in south korea we should be pushing for peace suspend these naval exercises and go from there yes there should be non
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proliferation of nuclear weapons on the korean peninsula but we don't even recognize north korea as a nation have a peace treaty or formal relations to deal with these matters what do we expect. and after the break i've been in our head get a good behind the bonds of his reign of presidents trying to find out why so many. have that. secretary of state hillary clinton recently testified to congress in regards to the attack on the u.s. consulate was killed an american ambassador in benghazi libya during the testimony
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couldn't rather calmly said things like that the revolutions that sprang up during the arab spring like in libya where the events in bali have created instability and safe havens for terrorists and she made it clear that there is no doubt that the algerian terrorists had weapons from libya so the us secretary has basically admitted that the actions of the usa and nato have caused a mass instability that has allowed the seeds of terrorism to grow when the justification for most of the actions in the muslim world is to stop evil dictators who harbor terrorists or spread shouting democracy if libya would have been left alone algerian terrorists wouldn't be getting any weapons from it now this is like an exterminator accidently or maybe on purpose actually feeding the roaches in your basements that there are ten times more of them and then saying that he has to keep working because he's the only one who can get rid of the roaches people like hillary clinton who support funding brutal jihad it's rebel groups to overthrow
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governments to somehow bring about stability and democracy are either dismally stupid or consciously running a very brutal con game but that's just my opinion. load . little. little. little. to live on one hundred thirty three bucks a month for food i should try it because you know how bad the less bad luck i got so many i mean i have my hands at ten pounds i know that i'm sitting in the same place really miss. the old story so personally apologized and said. the worst you are going through the white house of the day the radio guy and
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politico minestrone probably want to watch close to produce never seen anything like this i'm told. how it pocket i'm abby martin today i want to introduce you to some medicine a palestinian activists who was detained by the israeli army in two thousand and two during israel's offensive operation dubbed operation defensive shield samaras is sentenced to thirty years in prison but under a deal brokered by egypt he was released in october two thousand and eleven along with four hundred seventy six other palestinian prisoners tragically once again samara was detained last year and for the last one hundred and ninety five days he's been on a hunger strike in protest at his detention without charge or trial without help and pressure from the outside and he will surely be.


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